
The Negative Events of the Civil Rights Act

   The civil rights movement was one that had a lasting impact. When there is a major movement like the civil rights movement you always have positive things and negative things against the civil rights movement. The negative events that have happened were Bloody Sunday. Bloody Sunday took place on March 7th 1965. The protesters were taking part of the Selma to Montgomery march. While crossing a bridge the police attacked the peaceful protestors with dogs, water, and beatings. This was shown on live television and drew national attention. Another event that happened was the death of Emmett Till. Emmett Till was a 14 year old African American who was brutally murdered because he was accused of talking to a white women. He was drug around while tied and thrown into the water, when his body was recovered his mom asked for him to have a open casket and this drew national attention. The next negative event that happened was the death of Medgar Evers. Medgar Evers was a war veteran ...

Board of Regents of California v. Bakke

 May it Please the Court:  Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, your honor  Today I stand before you to say that the actions of Allan P. Bakke are not acceptable. This man is trying to argue that he should get a seat in UC Davis School of Medicine and this is just not right. This man was rejected not because he was not smart of enough or because he was white, he was rejected because of his age. The state of California has a diversity quota, this is set in place to allow minorities access to education. Even if this was about race the school is still in the right because of affirmative action. Affirmative Action allows schools to factor race into their admittance decision. There is no denying that Bakke is smart, but he was rejected by more than one school`, your honor if you rule in favor of Mr. Bakke you would be allowing people who get rejected to try and sue in court to get their way. This would set a precedent that would show if you do not get your way then you can sue ...

Reconstruction Video

 After watching the video on reconstruction it really opened my eyes to how not that long ago it was. Just in 2015, a kid walked into a predominantly black church said a prayer and opened fire in the middle of the church causing harm to nine victims. This issue goes back years to a time period we call reconstruction. Reconstruction was a time in which we got rid of the old ways and tried to create new ways. In these ways it caused the old whites to be angry with the new way. It caused tension between the old lights and the new lights.  The African American culture was under attack, the old whites were trying to erase everything that has happened. There were many different attempts and different events that have occurred to harm the African American group.  

Popular Constitutionalism and Non- Judicial Precedents

 Popular Constitutionalism gives the courts the power to uphold or reject any legislation put forward. This term refers to the ability for national dialog outside of the nation to affect the way the constitution is viewed. "However, for more than twenty years, a growing number of scholars have theorized that constitutional meaning emerges over time through a kind of national dialogue that includes many more voices than those of judges alone. 26 That is the essence of popular constitutionalism."(Smith)    The other idea discussed is one called Non- Judicial Precedents. This is when actions outside of the courts create laws that people want. These start by starting conversations outside of the court system. "To make a point, to appease important constituencies , to encourage other States to follow suit.” (Smith)       Photo of the Author:

The March

 Bull Connor was spraying African Americans with fire hoses and letting dogs attack them.  He did that while everything was being televised. This act alone raised eyes of people all over the country. One of the major sayings that Martin Luther King Jr said was free in 63. One set back that kept coming up was the governors in the southern states were against the negro population coming into the white world. An example of this was when the Governor of Alabama was not allowing Negros into the school. He stood by the door blocking the entrance. Kennedy at that point had to step in and send the National Guard down. This was a cry for change. MLK wanted to March on Washington . With support from the president people spent countless hours working hard to give people the best march possible. They worked 6 days a week for 18 hours a day. Bayard Rustin was a black man who was a huge advocate and worked along side Martin Luther King Jr. It took tremendous help from everyone to come toget...

Klanville USA

Bob Jones was the first grand dragon for the KKK in North Carolina. Bob Jones was facing time in prison, hosted a rally in NC. Bob Jones was the most successful grand dragon, 3 years it took to make NC Klansville USA . As Bob Jones grew up he was around the Klan. His father was apart of the Klan and his mom walked in a rally when she was 7 months pregnant, he thought he was destined. He joined the navy when he was younger however Bob Jones was kicked out of the navy for not saluting a black officer. KKK started during the civil war, it was created to terrorize the freed slaves. After that the Klan dissolved and laid dormant. Came back during the 3 hour movie to say the treatment of blacks they were doing was justified and the KKK came back in the 1920's. 50 thousand KKK members came to Washington for a rally. During the time of all the important supreme court cases the Klan always came out to terrorize the people. Klan rose when Brown v Board unsegregated the schools. Bob Jones hel...

Dissenting Opinion of Plessy v. Ferguson

 It is no secret that Plessy v. Ferguson was a huge court case in 1896 but it is still impactful to this day. The case of Plessy v Ferguson went through the supreme court with a vote of 8-1. That was dissenting opinion was written by Justice Harlan.  Writing a dissenting opinion about the topic of separate but equal during the 1890's it would never have worked. Justice Harlan was writing his opinion not for the time he was living but writing it for the future. He wanted the future courts to be using his dissenting opinion to change the law in the future. So when the 1950's hit and they over turned Plessy the dissenting opinion really showed. The thoughts of Plessy being used to this day does not make any sense, the idea that segregation could be here is mind blowing and to think that everything that has happened such as Plessy and Brown v Board it really tells us that this in not ancient.