Klanville USA

Bob Jones was the first grand dragon for the KKK in North Carolina. Bob Jones was facing time in prison, hosted a rally in NC. Bob Jones was the most successful grand dragon, 3 years it took to make NC Klansville USA. As Bob Jones grew up he was around the Klan. His father was apart of the Klan and his mom walked in a rally when she was 7 months pregnant, he thought he was destined. He joined the navy when he was younger however Bob Jones was kicked out of the navy for not saluting a black officer.
KKK started during the civil war, it was created to terrorize the freed slaves. After that the Klan dissolved and laid dormant. Came back during the 3 hour movie to say the treatment of blacks they were doing was justified and the KKK came back in the 1920's. 50 thousand KKK members came to Washington for a rally. During the time of all the important supreme court cases the Klan always came out to terrorize the people. Klan rose when Brown v Board unsegregated the schools. Bob Jones held a Klan rally in a cornfield because of the March on Washington. Gradual change was not what people wanted the Blacks wanted change right there and now. Bob Jones held day walks to show the human side of them. They also had underlying reasons. They also wanted to show who was higher in social status forcing people to step aside for the Klan. Jones said his Klan was non violent, it was built on terrible rhetoric. During times of trials one person used the fifth amendment 150 times and Bob Jones followed suit. When Bob Jones was collecting fund the Klan members were upset in the way the money was being used. Bob Jones started to use the funds to further his social status. The FBI started to look into the Klan. One FBI agent was able to put informants into the Klan. One major informant was George Dorsit. Jones was convicted because he would not release records to congress. When Jones went to prison The Klan members took their cards for the KKK and stabled them to a cross and lit the cross on fire.





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