Dissenting Opinion of Plessy v. Ferguson

 It is no secret that Plessy v. Ferguson was a huge court case in 1896 but it is still impactful to this day. The case of Plessy v Ferguson went through the supreme court with a vote of 8-1. That was dissenting opinion was written by Justice Harlan. 

Writing a dissenting opinion about the topic of separate but equal during the 1890's it would never have worked. Justice Harlan was writing his opinion not for the time he was living but writing it for the future. He wanted the future courts to be using his dissenting opinion to change the law in the future. So when the 1950's hit and they over turned Plessy the dissenting opinion really showed.

The thoughts of Plessy being used to this day does not make any sense, the idea that segregation could be here is mind blowing and to think that everything that has happened such as Plessy and Brown v Board it really tells us that this in not ancient. 


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