Board of Regents of California v. Bakke

 May it Please the Court:
 Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, your honor 
Today I stand before you to say that the actions of Allan P. Bakke are not acceptable. This man is trying to argue that he should get a seat in UC Davis School of Medicine and this is just not right. This man was rejected not because he was not smart of enough or because he was white, he was rejected because of his age. The state of California has a diversity quota, this is set in place to allow minorities access to education. Even if this was about race the school is still in the right because of affirmative action. Affirmative Action allows schools to factor race into their admittance decision. There is no denying that Bakke is smart, but he was rejected by more than one school`, your honor if you rule in favor of Mr. Bakke you would be allowing people who get rejected to try and sue in court to get their way. This would set a precedent that would show if you do not get your way then you can sue in the court of law. This is unjust and not fair. My question to you all today is what about all the other people that did not get into the school? Why are they not suing? Let me tell you, it is because everyone wins, and everyone loses and when you lose in one situation you must keep your head up and move on. Your honor, if you support the defendant it would show that white men would always get their way and that is not the message we want to show to the people of California. Lastly your honor, if we are arguing about race, Mr. Bakke is white and if we adjust the law for this man, we risk opening the country to a racial divide. 






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