The Negative Events of the Civil Rights Act


 The civil rights movement was one that had a lasting impact. When there is a major movement like the civil rights movement you always have positive things and negative things against the civil rights movement. The negative events that have happened were Bloody Sunday. Bloody Sunday took place on March 7th 1965. The protesters were taking part of the Selma to Montgomery march. While crossing a bridge the police attacked the peaceful protestors with dogs, water, and beatings. This was shown on live television and drew national attention. Another event that happened was the death of Emmett Till. Emmett Till was a 14 year old African American who was brutally murdered because he was accused of talking to a white women. He was drug around while tied and thrown into the water, when his body was recovered his mom asked for him to have a open casket and this drew national attention. The next negative event that happened was the death of Medgar Evers. Medgar Evers was a war veteran who served during WWII. He was the NAACP field secretary. He was assassinated by Byron Beckwith and he was shot in his driveway. After the death of Medgar civil rights protest was the result to his loss of life. One of the major events that drew national attention was the 16th Street Church bombing. This event alone killed four African American girls during a church service. The people that were responsible for the bomb were later tried and found guilty of murder and got life in prison in the early 2000's.

16th Street Baptist Church bombing girls.jpg






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