
Showing posts from October, 2020

Klanville USA

Bob Jones was the first grand dragon for the KKK in North Carolina. Bob Jones was facing time in prison, hosted a rally in NC. Bob Jones was the most successful grand dragon, 3 years it took to make NC Klansville USA . As Bob Jones grew up he was around the Klan. His father was apart of the Klan and his mom walked in a rally when she was 7 months pregnant, he thought he was destined. He joined the navy when he was younger however Bob Jones was kicked out of the navy for not saluting a black officer. KKK started during the civil war, it was created to terrorize the freed slaves. After that the Klan dissolved and laid dormant. Came back during the 3 hour movie to say the treatment of blacks they were doing was justified and the KKK came back in the 1920's. 50 thousand KKK members came to Washington for a rally. During the time of all the important supreme court cases the Klan always came out to terrorize the people. Klan rose when Brown v Board unsegregated the schools. Bob Jones hel...

Dissenting Opinion of Plessy v. Ferguson

 It is no secret that Plessy v. Ferguson was a huge court case in 1896 but it is still impactful to this day. The case of Plessy v Ferguson went through the supreme court with a vote of 8-1. That was dissenting opinion was written by Justice Harlan.  Writing a dissenting opinion about the topic of separate but equal during the 1890's it would never have worked. Justice Harlan was writing his opinion not for the time he was living but writing it for the future. He wanted the future courts to be using his dissenting opinion to change the law in the future. So when the 1950's hit and they over turned Plessy the dissenting opinion really showed. The thoughts of Plessy being used to this day does not make any sense, the idea that segregation could be here is mind blowing and to think that everything that has happened such as Plessy and Brown v Board it really tells us that this in not ancient. 

Brown v. Board of Education

The case of Brown v. Board of education was one case that is important to history. This case was about the integration of schools. Some of the arguments for the bored of education was that churches were separated by culture and by choice so the schools should be separated. The economy showed that there was an average 10,000 dollars difference between whites and blacks’. State should be the ones to make the ruling about separate but equal and not the federal government. Whites are superior to blacks was one of the arguments that the bored argued. The history of the segregation and the history of whites vs blacks is one that is a scary one. History shows that people like to stay in own groups, they prefer to be around people they are most comfortable around and relate too. The board wants the supreme court to focus on Plessy v Ferguson and honor stare decisis. The board also argues that equal protection, separate places are equal. One argument that the board brought up was that men'...

President Andrew Johnson and His Role on Reconstruction

  Andrew Johnson became president in 1865 when Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth. President Johnson only served one term. Served as Vice President under Lincoln because he helped gain the support of southerners who supported the union. President Johnson was impeached in the house but not in senate by only one vote. President Johnson was a southern who had ideas that black people were worth less than a white person.He vetoed anything that put blacks at the same level of whites. He made a amendment where whites can get all land but blacks do not get any land. Another way President Johnson made sure that blacks could not become equal was that Johnson vetoed the civil rights bill of 1866 , which would extend liberties of whites to blacks.

Plessy v. Ferguson

       The case of Plessy v Ferguson is a simple one; The law is simply laid out. The Louisiana Separate Car Act of 1890 says that all railroads operating in the state must provide equal but separate accommodations. The train station provided all the separate and equal accommodations to be safe and not be infringing upon the rights of the rider. Homer Plessy knowingly broke the law. Again, he broke the law and should face the consequences that follow them. If we do not charge him then this sets the precedent for people to break the law. Law and order would cease to exist. The fourteenth amendment equal protection clause does not specify that the blacks and whites had to be together and therefore does not apply to this case. The segregation of whites and the blacks is allowed however they needed the same amenities, which were provided. Jim Crow laws were around, and they were constitutional under the separate but equal cause. The law allows for blacks and whites to be...