Brown v. Board of Education

Brown v. Board of Education - 65 Years and Counting - The Zebra

The case of Brown v. Board of education was one case that is important to history. This case was about the integration of schools. Some of the arguments for the bored of education was that churches were separated by culture and by choice so the schools should be separated. The economy showed that there was an average 10,000 dollars difference between whites and blacks’. State should be the ones to make the ruling about separate but equal and not the federal government. Whites are superior to blacks was one of the arguments that the bored argued. The history of the segregation and the history of whites vs blacks is one that is a scary one. History shows that people like to stay in own groups, they prefer to be around people they are most comfortable around and relate too. The board wants the supreme court to focus on Plessy v Ferguson and honor stare decisis. The board also argues that equal protection, separate places are equal. One argument that the board brought up was that men's and women's bathroom are two different things that separate two people. Despite these arguments brought by the board of education the judge ruled in favor of Brown.



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