State v. Mann

John Mann was charged 10 dollars for shooting a slave in the back the state argued that slavery is unpleasant ,intent was to kill, damages should be there for the owner, in 481 Ad Justinian empire set an early precedent that it is illegal to harm slaves and in 1256 ad with Spanish law. The state demanded compensation for the actions of John Mann. John Mann damaged loaned property and that is wrong. The bible says good treatment of a slave is required and John Mann caused deliberate harm, he rendered the property worthless.

 The attorneys on the side of John Mann argued that slaves are declared runaways you can kill them or cause harm to them, which is what John did. They argued that he can not be charged assault on property, the argued that slavery is never condemned in the bible. Since he owned the slave for one year he can treat her as he wanted. They argued saying that the amount of the fine is too high and that he didn't kill anyone he only wounded the slave.

The judge of today's trial made his ruling on the side of John Mann. Reasoning behind it is that since North Carolina is still a slave state it is completely legal for what John Mann did.

 State v. Mann


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